Friday, December 26, 2008

Jerry Brown: California's Panderer General

The “shift” of Attorney General Jerry Brown to oppose the decision of California voters, mostly Black & Hispanic majorities who voted for Proposition 8, is pandering to the far-left at its best.

Minority voters, who represent a large portion of both the religious faithful and patriotic segments of California’s citizenry, stood up for their beliefs just as they voted for “change”. What they did not count on was the lack of “change” in the rhetoric and special-interest pandering by Democratic officials, of which AG Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown is one of the best. Brown actually tried to change the wording of this proposition to increase its chances of not passing; even then, it passed with strong support from minority voters. It would likely have passed by a stronger majority had Brown left the wording alone.

This “shift” by AG Brown is nothing more than failing to carry out his duties to support the will of the citizens of California even if that will does not agree with the principles of Brown’s far-left agenda. Jerry Brown is choosing far-left partisan loyalties over his responsibilities as Attorney General. Brown’s secular principles, brought forward from his hippie days, are not in touch with today’s values of California’s voters, especially those of our strong minority families.

Meanwhile, my experience with the protesters of Proposition 8 (and of the Iraq War) has been almost totally absent of any minority representation on the protester side. This is an issue Democrats will face in future state elections, including their gubernatorial primary in June 2010. Can religiously faithful and patriotic minority voters support a gubernatorial nominee who rendered their vote for traditional marriage irrelevant because he “now” discovered that the proposition was unconstitutional to begin with? Does Jerry Brown believe California voters are that dumb? Are we?


goooooood girl said...
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Anonymous said...

Jerry Brown wants to be governor again, and it won't happen and neither will the chick-republican who was Google's CEO. It is amazing that egotistical famous names seem to think they are better than the regullar folk in the country, to include those who lead party venues. Talk about Jerry and talk about yourself, but nothing is nothing when nothing happens. The voters are not stupid.

John S said...

Thank you Anonymous. Not exactly the way I would have put it, but I also have issues with non-politicians like Meg Whitman, as well as Caroline Kennedy, who think that popularity is all that it takes to do well in elected office. While the legislative offices do a lot less than the executive positions, we continue to bring forward people who have no experience (or are too far removed from the relevant experience). Democrats always have a city council member or other successful politician one ladder rung below, and we continue to have non-experienced political enthusiasts who have never served on a city council, school board or neighborhood council.

I'm sure you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about...

Anonymous said...

Jerry Brown, the very personification of liberal fascism.